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Back-to-School Tips: Managing Your Pet’s Routine and Separation Anxiety

With the back-to-school season in full swing, your pets may be wondering where all their favorite people went! After spending the summer surrounded by friends and family, they might find the sudden quiet of being home unsettling, which may lead to separation anxiety.

If your pets seem a little more anxious these days, don’t fret—we’ve got some tips on spotting separation anxiety in dogs and cats, and how to soothe their nerves as they adjust to a new routine.

Here are a few tips to help manage the transition:

Gradual Routine Change: A week before school starts, slowly adjust your pet's schedule. Gradually reduce playtime and introduce alone time to ease them into the new routine.

Interactive Toys: Keep your pet mentally stimulated while you’re away. Puzzle toys, treat dispensers, or interactive gadgets can help distract them from loneliness.

Exercise and Bonding: Provide extra exercise in the morning and after school to tire them out and create a sense of security. This also reinforces bonding.

Comfort Zone: Create a cozy space with their favorite blanket or toy where your pet can feel safe and relaxed during the day.

Professional Help: If your pet shows severe anxiety, consider consulting a veterinarian or pet behaviorist for guidance.

By preparing your pet for this change, you’ll help ease their separation anxiety and ensure a smoother transition for everyone in the household.